Read StoriesGarnet X Reader (Completed) -




Garnet X Reader (Completed)

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This is a Garnet x Reader. Its mostly kid friendly. Also, you are a 14 year old girl, who is human, half gem. Hope you like! ❤
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Baby, you should know thisThat I ain't goin'And I ain't blowin' no smokeI mean, I been soberBut you shoulda known itThat I wasn't goin'And I know you noticed I've changedBut I'll be your woman alwaysAlways and foreverAlwaysAlways and foreverAlways, always…

¿Quizás en otra vida?...
sleep paralysis.

sleep paralysis.

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Gwen wasnt like the other kids, she was mostly isolated because of her "odd" behaviour. Whenever she goes outside, she would scare other children. Despite her weird looks and odd personality, she's really kind and loving, if you care enough to stay. She was neglected, and mostly play with weird creepy dolls. Ever since that, her obsessesion with weird creepy things grew. While being obsessed, she started developing sleep paralysis."Im Heather." The ravenette grinned and reached out for Gwen's hand."My names Gwen." Gwen smiled back and shook Heather's hand....SLEEP DEPRIVED WILL HAVE A SEPERATE BOOK, THIS IS TOTAL DRAMA.TW: g0re, s3lf h4rm, vi0lence, sw3aring, shizophreniaTHIS IS WLW. AND THIS IS ABOUT GWEATHER, (Gwen x Heather)KEEP IN MIND THAT I WONT BE TALKING ABOUT GWEN'S SLEEP PARALYSIS AT THE START OF THE FEW CHAPTERS.…

the lucky one ✭

the lucky one ✭

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"i didn't know seeing her after all this time could bring back so many memories"a story in which an old friendship turns into more :) a paige bueckers story…

Quick travel: The boss who brutally tortures the protagonist loves cannon fodder

Quick travel: The boss who brutally tortures the protagonist loves cannon fodder

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CONTINUATION [visit my reading list]As cannon fodder, the meaning of their existence is to promote the development of the plot of the male and female protagonists, and either die or be disabled to save them. As for Naichi, his mission is to protect these poor little cannon fodder.The real daughter was exchanged to make way for the heroine, and became miserable cannon fodder.Naiichi: Don't be afraid, mom is here.Is 100 million pocket money enough? Is it possible to live in a luxury villa?In the apocalyptic plane, the younger sister's fiancé falls in love with the heroine, and she becomes the stepping stone between the male and female protagonists.Naichi: Don't be afraid, my sister will protect you. Is it beautiful to make a high-grade crystal core bracelet? Do you want the heroine's space? What kind of dog man do you want? Crystal Core doesn't smell good!…

Watercolour Eyes

Watercolour Eyes

1,227 86 28

Why do you leave me with watercolour eyes. BOOKE 3 Sid and Vanity are now flying to Paris. Wrapping up the end of the Great Rock n Roll Swindle. Vanity finally decides to get Sid out of the Pistols. Vanity taking place as his manager it's straight to New York for them. Mickey and Tiffany join them out there too.As everything seemed to be going downhill, one phone call from Johnny causes Sid to consider getting clean however Vanity had fallen even deeper in love with the drug. Sid promises they'll get clean together which leads Vanity to agree to get clean with him. Will she be able to leave her love for the drug behind and her wish to die in peace with Sid?…

Jual Kaporit Bubuk untuk Air: Segala yang Perlu Anda Ketahui

Jual Kaporit Bubuk untuk Air: Segala yang Perlu Anda Ketahui

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Kaporit, juga dikenal sebagai natrium hipoklorit, adalah senyawa kimia yang memiliki berbagai kegunaan dalam industri dan rumah tangga. Biasanya hadir dalam bentuk serbuk putih atau tablet yang larut dalam air. Meskipun memiliki manfaat yang besar, penting bagi kita untuk menggunakan kaporit dengan hati-hati karena sifatnya yang korosif serta berpotensi merusak lingkungan jika tidak dibuang dengan benar. Pembersihan yang efektif dan teratur merupakan faktor krusial dalam menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan kolam renang. Dalam rangka menyediakan solusi terbaik untuk kebutuhan pembersihan tersebut, kami dengan bangga mempersembahkan Kaporit Bubuk. Mengenal Kaporit Bubuk dan Keunggulannya:a. Komposisi dan Kegunaan: Kami menguraikan komposisi kaporit bubuk dan berbagai manfaatnya dalam menjaga kebersihan kolam renang.b. Keunggulan Kaporit Bubuk: Menyoroti kelebihan kaporit bubuk, seperti kemampuan desinfeksi yang kuat, larut dengan cepat, dan kemampuan menjaga kejernihan air kolam renang.Penerapan dan Penggunaan Kaporit Bubuk:a. Persiapan dan Pengukuran yang Tepat: Menjelaskan langkah-langkah yang perlu diikuti sebelum menggunakan kaporit bubuk, termasuk pengukuran yang akurat.b. Penggunaan yang Aman: Mengikuti SOP yang benar untuk melindungi diri sendiri dan lingkungan saat menggunakan kaporit bubuk.Pembelian Kaporit Bubuk yang Aman dan Terpercaya:a. Mengenal Produk Berkualitas: Memberikan panduan dalam memilih kaporit bubuk berkualitas tinggi untuk memastikan keberhasilan pembersihan.b. Sumber yang Terpercaya: Menginformasikan tentang pentingnya membeli dari penjual atau toko yang terpercaya untuk menjamin kualitas produk dan keasliannya.Kesimpulan:Dalam menjaga kebersihan kolam renang, penggunaan Kaporit Bubuk yang sesuai dengan SOP adalah kunci keberhasilan. Dengan memahami keunggulan produk ini dan mengikuti langkah-langkah penggunaannya dengan benar, Anda dapat mencapai kolam renang yang…

Diário de uma menina que mora nos Eua

Diário de uma menina que mora nos Eua

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- No meu aniversário a minha mãe me perguntou O que eu queria de aniversário e eu respondi que queria um livro para escrever, ela falou tudo bem só que no tia do meu aniversário ela me deu uma livro escrito "diário de uma menina que mora nos Eua" no começo eu achei que ela estava brincando com a minha cara ou algo assim mas quando Eu olhei eu vi que era verdade, eu falei pra ela que não queria um diário. Eu só queria um livro Com folhas brancas para poder escrever Mas tudo bem agora eu estou aqui no meu quarto olhando para esse diário, mas eu fiz eu estou decidida que eu vou escrever as coisas da minha adolescência por que um dia eu vou ficar muito famosa e vou dar farias entrevistas e os repórteres vão me perguntar como foi a minha pré-adolescência e é claro que eu só vou entrar vc diário e eles vão ler e ficar impressionados com a minha história. Mas mudando de assunto as aulas começam amanhã é eu não estou nada empolgada por que sinceramente eu não gosto de estudar, mas eu vou encontrar a minha amiga a Ágata ela também é brasileira vai fazer quase 1 ano que a gente se conhece, uma coisa que me deixa Com muita raiva é dos americanos eles não são nem um pouco gente boa mas eu só ignoro eles, vou contar um pouco sobre mim, o meu nome é Mili, sou morena,tenho olho verde com marrom, sou um pouquinho grossa "mais só um pouquinho", sou gente boa vc vai gosta de mim diário eu prometo, sou leal, mas também eu pouco chata, é tenho 13 anos.Amanhã a gente conversa por que eu tenho que ir dormir por que amanhã eu tenho escola.- Oi diário vc teve uma boa noite de sono por que eu não consegui dormir nada por que o meu irmão ficou a madrugada inteira colocando Musica alta eu juro não aguento mais às vezes eu poderia colocar ele pra vender é nunca mais ver mais se eu fazer isso a minha mãe vai me matar que pena seria tão bom não ver mais ele, agora tenho que ir pq eu vou começar a me arrumar para a escola,- voltei pronta estou…



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Time to come together

Time to come together

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This story is a TFP fanfic it's about Megatron's daughter Stardust and Optimus sister melody and some extras I made up the story line is about a new team of villains come named the blast force 1 that are very dangerous and the Autobots and  Decepticons are forced to come together to end the war between them and the blast force will the teen bots come together and make a team or will they start a war of there own ( this story is inspired By marcyweisinger ) I DO NOT OWN TRANSFORMERS OR PICS hope y'all enjoy ✌️❤️😊…